Dr.-Ing. Jens Kober
Associate Professor, Cognitive Robotics department (CoR)
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Mekelweg 2 (ME Building)
2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
🖂 j.kober (at)
🕿 +31 (0)15 27 85150
Office: F-2-080
Research interests
Robotics, Motor Skill Learning, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Imitation Learning, Deep Learning, Interactive Learning
- 1 new preprint:
Mode Collapse Happens: Evaluating Critical Interactions in Joint Trajectory Prediction Models. TechRxiv, 2025. .
- Jens Kober is co-organizing an IEEE RAM Special Issue on Embodied AI: Bridging Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Toward Real-World Applications
- 4 new preprints:
ILeSiA: Interactive Learning of Situational Awareness from Camera Input. arXiv:2409.20173 [cs.RO], 2024. .
Task-unaware Lifelong Robot Learning with Retrieval-based Weighted Local Adaptation. arXiv:2410.02995 [cs.RO], 2024. .
Mastering Contact-rich Tasks by Combining Soft and Rigid Robotics with Imitation Learning. arXiv:2410.07787 [cs.RO], 2024. .
Learning Adaptive Hydrodynamic Models Using Neural ODEs in Complex Conditions. arXiv:2410.00490 [cs.RO], 2024. .
- Accepted CoRL Demo: A Hybrid Soft-Rigid Robotic Platform Showcasing Learning of Generalizable Skills from Demonstration - Mariano Ramírez Montero, Ebrahim Shahabi, Giovanni Franzese, Jens Kober, Barbara Mazzolai, Cosimo Della Santina
- 1 new preprint:
Leveraging LLMs, Graphs and Object Hierarchies for Task Planning in Large-Scale Environments. arXiv:2409.04775 [cs.RO], 2024. .
- Outstanding Paper Award Empirical Resourcefulness in RL:
An Open-Loop Baseline for Reinforcement Learning Locomotion Tasks. Reinforcement Learning Journal, 1(1), 2024. Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC). .
- 2 accepted journal papers:
PUMA: Deep Metric Imitation Learning for Stable Motion Primitives. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 6(11):2400144, 2024. .
Engine Agnostic Graph Environments for Robotics (EAGERx): A Graph-Based Framework for Sim2real Robot Learning. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, :2–15, 2024. Early Access. .
- 4 accepted conference papers:
Demonstrating Adaptive Mobile Manipulation in Retail Environments. In Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS), 2024. .
Learning Multi-Reference Frame Skills from Demonstration with Task-Parameterized Gaussian Processes. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 2832–2839, 2024. .
An Open-Loop Baseline for Reinforcement Learning Locomotion Tasks. Reinforcement Learning Journal, 1(1), 2024. Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC). .
- 3 accepted journal papers:
Simultaneously Learning Intentions and Preferences during Physical Human-Robot Cooperation. Autonomous Robots, 48(4):11, 2024. .
RACP: Risk-Aware Contingency Planning with Multi-Modal Predictions. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, :1–16, 2024. Early Access. .
Quadrupedal Locomotion with Parallel Compliance: E-Go Design, Modelling and Control. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 29(4):2839–2848, 2024. .
- 3 accepted journal papers:
Robust Quadrupedal Jumping with Impact-Aware Landing: Exploiting Parallel Elasticity. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 40:3212–3231, 2024. .
Quadratic Programming-based Reference Spreading Control for Dual-Arm Robotic Manipulation with Planned Simultaneous Impacts. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 40:3341–3355, 2024. .
Efficient Parallelized Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2024. Reproducibility Certification. .
- 1 new preprint:
Generalization of Task Parameterized Dynamical Systems using Gaussian Process Transportation. arXiv:2404.13458 [cs.RO], 2024. .
- 3 accepted conference papers:
An Empirical Investigation on Variational Autoencoder-Based Dynamic Modeling of Deformable Objects from RGB Data. In 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), pp. 921–928, 2024. .
TrajFlow: Learning Distributions over Trajectories for Human Behavior Prediction. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pp. 184–191, 2024. .
ROME: Robust Multi-Modal Density Estimation. In Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) (Kate Larson, ed.), International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, pp. 4751–4759, 2024. Main Track. .