An Open-Loop Baseline for Reinforcement Learning Locomotion Tasks (bibtex)
by Antonin Raffin, Olivier Sigaud, Jens Kober, Alin Albu-Schäffer, João Silvério, and Freek Stulp
Antonin Raffin, Olivier Sigaud, Jens Kober, Alin Albu-Schäffer, João Silvério, and Freek Stulp. An Open-Loop Baseline for Reinforcement Learning Locomotion Tasks. Reinforcement Learning Journal, 1(1), 2024. Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC).
Bibtex Entry:
  author  = {Raffin, Antonin AND Sigaud, Olivier AND Kober, Jens AND Albu-Sch\"{a}ffer, Alin AND Silv\'{e}rio, Jo\~{a}o AND Stulp, Freek},
  journal = {Reinforcement Learning Journal},
  title   = {An Open-Loop Baseline for Reinforcement Learning Locomotion Tasks},
  year    = {2024},
  note    = {Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC)},
  volume  = {1},
  number  = {1},
  arxiv   = {},
  code    = {},
  file    = {},
  oa      = {gold},
  url     = {},
  video   = {},
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