Learning to Pick at Non-Zero-Velocity From Interactive Demonstrations (bibtex)
by Anna Mészáros, Giovanni Franzese, and Jens Kober
Anna Mészáros, Giovanni Franzese, and Jens Kober. Learning to Pick at Non-Zero-Velocity From Interactive Demonstrations. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(3):6052–6059, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
  author  = {M\'{e}sz\'{a}ros, Anna AND Franzese, Giovanni AND Kober, Jens},
  journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
  title   = {Learning to Pick at Non-Zero-Velocity From Interactive Demonstrations},
  year    = {2022},
  number  = {3},
  pages   = {6052--6059},
  volume  = {7},
  doi     = {10.1109/LRA.2022.3165531},
  file    = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.04534.pdf},
  code    = {https://github.com/franzesegiovanni/ILoSA},
  project = {TERI and AIRLab},
  url     = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.04534},
  video   = {https://youtu.be/XoW6AkK793g},
  oa      = {gold},
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