An Empirical Investigation on Variational Autoencoder-Based Dynamic Modeling of Deformable Objects from RGB Data (bibtex)
by Tomás Coleman, Robert Babuška, Jens Kober, and Cosimo Della Santina
Tomás Coleman, Robert Babuška, Jens Kober, and Cosimo Della Santina. An Empirical Investigation on Variational Autoencoder-Based Dynamic Modeling of Deformable Objects from RGB Data. In 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), pp. 921–928, 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Coleman, Tom\'{a}s AND Babu\v{s}ka, Robert AND Kober, Jens AND Della Santina, Cosimo},
  title     = {An Empirical Investigation on Variational Autoencoder-Based Dynamic Modeling of Deformable Objects from {RGB} Data},
  booktitle = {32\textsuperscript{nd} Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)},
  year      = {2024},
  pages     = {921--928},
  doi       = {10.1109/MED61351.2024.10566173},
  file      = {},
  project   = {FlexCRAFT},
  oa        = {green},
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